125 Years since the Birth of Pancho Vladigerov



The BNB releases into circulation a copper commemorative coin
‘125 years since the birth of Pancho Vladigerov’

From 11 March 2024, the Bulgarian National Bank is releasing into circulation a copper commemorative coin on the theme ‘125 years since the birth of Pancho Vladigerov’ from the ‘Bulgarian Artists’ series.

The obverse of the coin features: the BNB logo with the year ‘1879’ on the strip on the top, and underneath: the nominal value ‘2 ЛЕВА’ (2 levs) is written on a stave in two rows, and in circumference: the inscription ‘БЪЛГАРСКА НАРОДНА БАНКА’ (Bulgarian National Bank) and the year of issue ‘2024’.

The reverse of the coin features: a portrait of Pancho Vladigerov; in circumference, the inscription: ‘125 ГОДИНИ ОТ РОЖДЕНИЕТО НА ПАНЧО ВЛАДИГЕРОВ’ (125 years since the birth of Pancho Vladigerov).